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Of God to learn that from his parents the nuns and priests right here in Delaware who taught inspired and have a Funny Adidas A Badass Los Angeles Dodgers Fan shirt passion for justice Sen Chris Cannon in Delaware I want to tell you about my friend Joe Biden’s faith is strong personal and private job faith is in a proper political tool I’ve known Joe about 30 years and I’ve seen his faith in action Joe knows the power of prayer and I seen in moments of joy in triumph of loss and spare turn to God for strength just comforting me my toughest moments as he has so many others never forget how Joe took the time to offer me words of comfort as my fatherland hospice time again I’ve seen it stop everything and listen really listen to someone who needs a shoulder to cry on or partner in prayer and compassion that part of his character more than anything just a man of faith and conscience will be a president for Americans of all things as well as people of conscience who practice no particular thing just faith is really about our future about a world with less suffering. Of constant to the streets of our country find out the leadership found people who elected every challenge we face even more difficult to some failed government and Donald Trent 83 consumer better for some cell and it will be an incredible first lady is great great height of extended family and thecom that I really can’t now life is the letter led to the great love spoke on the phone practically every day sometimes multiple turning working together to very infantile but ever thought about quickly bow with the kind of guy I people can be a better version and found a way to talk about and will be a standard with incredible lines in the uniform of the love between about and had to stand for and gave riding the rails flight from Wilmington to Washington learning time and sent to little boy would just laugh in a tragic know that the world is still turning I came to keep them first and found that they can everyone why will I do to make life better for you and the passing defense is getting his life to be on react. Alone we have to wait for me to live in Panama where we have another opportunity to pray more about the political the patient is all of these decades later while he and others of his generation achieved much we’re still fighting against police brutality and fighting for our voting rights and so we best to him by continuing to fight the good fight that he thought by staying in good trouble and he he is in and a Wii will print a beloved community we will redeem the soul of America is a nation and as a we would get in and in one with the be all when the we will be all we will be a all a no man but the one family woman in the be he will and a we be all and we will all the one with a me in a me will be a shared belief grandfathered under Himself and your polling place or even just register 33333 be the president’s golf score and she went female knowing that she to be a nasty nasty one at his inauguration about American carnage or something he was a dance campaign promise what we great leadership experienced in
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